Warhammer 40 000 Shootas Blood & Teef Game Review

They are a savage and violent race, referred to as the “Green Tide” they sweep over the sky with incredible violence. Their fury is described as Waaagh! They’re vicious, violent, and crude, and outnumber all other races in their path of destruction.
You will become the spearhead of the Ork invasion as you bash at, smash, and blast to your death through the bustling urban area of Luteus Prime with a goal to save your hair squig and claim revenge on the warlord! And just maybe become the Warboss of WAAAGH! What do you discover on the way? The battle for survival of the fittest has ever been more violently thrilling!
Never enough Dakka! Destroy your foes using the most powerful arsenal of weapons . You can unleash destruction on their enemies. No one can hinder your progress! This is the perfect method to enjoy enormous explosions and flying components!
WAAAGH! The emotional and physical violence grow until it explodes into an avalanche of bullets. The more destruction and damage the attack causes turns into a total unstoppable roar! Because Orks are made for two things: fighting… and winning!
Orks are united! Bring your buddies together and combat The Astra Militarum and Genestealer Cults and Space Marines. Or simply pound their heads in and choose who the best Ork is in your clan.

The Review by one pieceporn

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